Turmeric Tea Tisane

Rs. 299.00

Want to overcome stress from long tiresome work? A hot cup of Turmeric tea insane renders relaxation to your whole nervous system. Indulged in a bountiful blend of Indian spices, it experiences a playful melody of intense yet not overpowering. This Indian herb turmeric tea tisane serves as a perfect health herbal refreshment that soothes the body. Read more
Ingredients: Turmeric, Organic Lemongrass, Ginger, Cardamom, Clove, Cinnamon 

Health Actions: Detoxify and provide a soothing effect. Turmeric contains active ingredients Curcumin proven to have immune-boosting and anti-
inflammatory properties. Reduce cardiovascular complications, bad cholesterol problems, and increasing brain health. Acts as a refreshing mouth freshener

Caffeine: Zero

Flavour: Sweet, spicy, fruity

Herbal actions: Support digestion, Mineral-rich, decongestant.

System affected: Nervous, digestive, immune.

Available in: 100g loose leaf.

Brewing instructions:  Place 1 teaspoon or 2gm. Tea leaves in a cleaned empty pot.
Keep the water below boiling point. Pour into the pot, and cover the pot with the lid.
Let it brew for 5 minutes. (Preferred without milk)

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration or FSSAI. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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